So. Forest. I immediately thought about Emily Carr, a Canadian artist who was famous for her paintings and drawings of the Canadian forest. I first learned about her when I read
The Forest Lover
by Susan Vreeland. Inspired by the historical novel about Emily Carr's life I started searching out her art and really fell in love with the vibrant colors and chunky brushstrokes used to bring the forests of British Columbia to life. Oddly, I never did read any of her writing... I need to do that. When I visited Victoria, BC, Canada, I was disappointed to find that her home which is a museum was closed... BOTH TIMES! But, I did get to see some of her work in person at the Royal BC Museum (which I HIGHLY recommend visiting if you are ever in Victoria, Canada. It is an outstanding museum.)
While I don't do a lot of drawing or painting... it's not really my strong point, this challenge made me want to pay homage to Emily Carr with a colorful forest drawing using my new colored pencils that I've been itching to play with! I actually did a good handful of forest drawings - you know, when it's only an inch you can be left wanting more sometimes! Then it was hard to pick which to go with, so I just played a little more tonight and created a couple more. I decided to go with this one because while it's not really anything like an Emily Carr painting, I like to think it has her essence with my streaky colors. If not, we'll just pretend.
I had a lot of fun with this
Every Inchie Monday, so thanks!