Monday, July 28, 2014

Orange & Odd Inchies

Just call me every other Monday Inchie!   Um, Every Other Inchie Monday....  whatever

So, Orange is my total favorite color right now.  In fact, almost all of my clothes are orange lately... I'm obsessed!  So, I was pleased to have orange as our word!  I went with a poppy (or my interpretation of a poppy) because I also love poppies!  My orange poppy makes me happy.  A cheerful color and a cheerful flower  =)


And because as we all know, I'm always late, I present you with last week's "Odd".  I actually could not get Koontz's Odd Thomas out of my head, but could not really think of a way to depict that so the other "odd" thing in my head was... well, you can see it... ODD DUCK.  Yeah, line drawing animals isn't my best talent, but here's my Odd Duck.

Have a fab week my friends!  Next week we'll have a little Privacy on Every Inchie Monday!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Catching Up! Navy, Negative, & Maroon Inchies...

The office I'm working in is moving and guess who has been in charge of coordinating pretty much EVERYTHING.  On top of my regular duties of course.  And, the truth is that I really believed the move was going to get pushed back so I was caught a little off guard when it really went down.  So, I've been working 12 hour days and since I live a minimum of 90 minutes from where I work, I move din with my mama for a couple of weeks.  Needless to say my life has been insane lately and here I go getting behind in inchies again.  I know, excuses excuses.  But, I'm still here and I'm catching up before I get too behind!

Luckily, I brought my art box with me to my mom's and since I got home early today (YEAH!  I am working on SUNDAY, Saturday happened, too!) I had some time to get my pencils sharpened and my paintbrush wet.  I present to you the following:

Navy:  Okay, this was hard.  Mom and I were brainstorming and I finally came up with a Navy Tattoo.  Pretty simple, but I like the choice.  Navy.  Geez... some of these words bug me.

Negative:  Speaking of BUGGING... hm.  I thought about drawing or painting something negative, but I really did not want to go in that direction, so I guess I took the easy route and drew an old fashioned film negative, was supposed to be sepia and all, with colored pencils, but now on here it is looking more yellow.  AH well.

Maroon:  I thought about the color maroon for like 5 seconds and then I immediately pictured exactly what I have here.  My little marooned fella.  Had to go with that, plus I love using microbeads!!!!

Have a great week all and I will be back for next week's EVERY INCHIE MONDAY!