Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A is for Amulet Inchie

Amulet (noun)     \ˈam-yə-lət\

a small object worn to protect the person wearing it against bad things

Do I wear a key?  Actually sometimes I do.

Does it protect against bad things?  Well, I suppose in theory it should protect my home and my personal property when used to lock doors, etc.

But, more than that Key has so many more meanings.  The best being "to be essential to".  If anything can act as an amulet, I see a key as a perfect one.

That said, I'm a little torn with my finished product.  I wanted to shine it up like my last one, but the husband said he thought it was best just like this.  SO, here is my amulet:

Thank you, Every Inchie Monday!


  1. Love your amulet and how you present it.

  2. I really love this one. What a great interpretation of the theme! I love keys as well & I think you did an awesome job. I think the fact that it isnt shiny means that it is a well worn amulet

  3. Fabulous inchie - a great take on the theme.
    xxx Hazel.

  4. Nice inchie :-) funnily enough, I used to wear a key (in my younger years)
    I still have it somewhere!

  5. I really love this one Jenn! And I have to agree,I Iike it without the shine. It does give that well worn, cherished look!!! Great job!! Love, love , love it!!! xo ;0) Share Humanity

  6. Terrific inchie and a great ost all about it

    Chrissie x

  7. Thanks all! I do love keys and was glad I ran across this. As soon as I did I saw this in my head. Although I was originally picturing a leather strap instead of cord, but this worked. I like the color contrast with the pale creamy color of the paper.


  8. I like the explanation about the key. Great choice. I think it is better without the shine too. Very nice.

  9. Fabulous inchie, beautifully done.
