Monday, March 10, 2014

E is for Engrave Inchie

Well, I have to give a lot of credit to the husband for this one.  I was feeling super stumped by the 'Engrave' theme, but he immediately said, "you have to do something with a dollar bill". OF COURSE!  THAT is the number one item made via engraving in the world!  Well, paper money in general.

So, I'm back to my usual style of collage building, even though I just stocked up on pens, pencils, paints, etc.  I thought about going crazy with a lot of little pieces, but I like this.  I guess this is one bill that won't find it's way onto, but that's okay.  It's worth it!  Oh, and I'm actually posting my Every Inchie Monday TIMELY!!!


  1. I love this one. Never thought about money for this theme. LOL great job indeed. I didnt think they still have the site. My kids loved looking up money on that.

  2. What a brilliant brilliant idea Jenn!!!! Wish I had thought of it -D x

  3. I love it! What a brilliant take on the subject, I struggled to come up with something that I felt was "do-able" and yet everyone seems to have come up with fabulous & varied creations :-)


  4. Thanks all! I seriously have to give the kudos to the husband for the idea! WheresGeorge is alive and well! I bought myself stamps for my dollars so I could quit writing on them, but have been flaking out lately.

  5. Brilliant idea, I think we have all surprised ourselves this week.

  6. Great thinking and it looks fabulous.

  7. Simply fabulous!!!! Jenn, you are stepping up the bar on these Inchies!!! I love it!!:0) Share Humanity XO

  8. Thanks, friends! Glad people like my dollar in an inch.

  9. I tell you, these husbands! I wouldn't be able to do half the inchies if not for my better half. Absolutely fantastic!

  10. Amazing inchie idea-it looks terrific

    Chrissie x

  11. Now, I wouldn't have thought of that. I will remember to ask my husband for ideas the next time I am stumped. Great inchie.
